Do you feel like you have missed the boat to teach your kids about God? Are you struggling to find wholesome, engaging and relevant biblical resources for your family? Do your kids’ big faith questions stress you out because you don’t know how to answer them? If you have ever wondered where on earth to start, you are not alone. Let me help you establish practical daily routines for Christian families, as well as find simple ways to engage your kids in the Bible. I will guide you with some easy ways to facilitate discussions about God and give examples on how I tackle my own parenting hang ups and point you to my favourite resources I use in my own family. My goal is to empower you with examples of how to tackle those big God questions from your kids so you feel equipped, regardless of how curly a question you have to answer. Hi, I’m Brenda, I am a home-schooling, stay at home mum of three, an ex- primary school teacher, a follower of Jesus (for as long as I can remember), and I am passionate about discipling kids. I know what it’s like to spend hours ploughing through Pinterest for ideas to engage your kids in the Bible. I personally struggled trying to find straightforward, biblically accurate and engaging resources for my kids. A lot of what I found was dry, or completely over their heads. It wasn’t in kid-friendly language, so I started coming up with my own ideas to help teach them about God. As I did so, I began to wonder if other parents were also having difficulty engaging their children in learning about God just like me and so Little Kingdom Warriors was born. In this podcast, you’ll find out how to facilitate your child’s faith foundation and find encouragement to know you’re not alone when the going gets tough. We will also hear from inspirational guests who will share their own faith journeys, advice to help you in discipling your kids and how they have overcome hardships and find encouragement in your motherhood journey. Grab your coffee and let’s dig in. ********************************* Download my free bible play checklist and hear when a new episode drops - https://shorturl.at/fqKQT Join my free Facebook community -https://www.facebook.com/groups/250260683779516/ Check out my Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/littlekingdomwarriors Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Jul 31, 2023
36. Turning failures into teachable moments - real life recap
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Hello friends!
This week it is time for a real life recap – the July edition. Packing! Oh wow, has it been stressful. It is all stations go over here as we pack up in preparation for our big move. It’s certainly highlighted my flaws yet again as my stress levels go through the roof. Today I chat about how I am trying to turn my motherhood fails into teachable moments.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Jul 17, 2023
35. Journeying through infertility with Deb Smith (part two)
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Hello friends!
Join me this week for part two of the interview with the lovely Deb Smith from Mama’s mission as we dive into her very personal, long and difficult journey with infertility and how that impacted her as a mother. She talks through how she handled the struggle and doubt of whether God would deliver on the promises of the word she received that she would have children. We also cover what her personal quiet times look like as a busy mum of two.
Come and continue the conversation in my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community. Hop on over and join me over there.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Deb’s podcast: Mama’s mission
Deb’s IG - https://www.instagram.com/adashofdeb/
Part one of Deb’s interview - Practical tips and daily habits to point your kids to Jesus with Deb Smith
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Hello friends!
I am so excited today to share part one of an interview with the lovely Deb Smith from Mama’s mission. She is a mum of two and passionate about discipleship. She shares with me some practical tips and daily habits on how she disciples her kids and points her kids to Jesus.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Deb’s podcast: Mama’s mission
Deb’s IG - https://www.instagram.com/adashofdeb/
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
33. Navigating seasons of change - real life recap
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Hello friends!
Tune in today as I go through a bit of a real life recap. I’ll chat about how I am navigating this season of change and trying to find calm in the chaos, intentional discipleship and making the most of the little moments.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday May 01, 2023
32. Three steps to spiritually equip your kids
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Hello friends!
I recently read a post in a facebook group where a mum was asking how to handle her child asking everyone if they knew Jesus. It got me thinking how do we train up our kids with sound biblical knowledge and how can we equip them? Come and join me today as we chat about three steps to spiritually equip your kids.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Have you ever felt undervalued as a mum because you aren’t financially contributing to your household? Have you ever sometimes questioned your worth because you are "just a stay at home mum"? Well tune in today mama as we talk about three of the most important lessons I've learnt so far in my motherhood walk. I think you will leave feeling inspired and encouraged. I hope this blesses you!
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
The Stefanie Gass Show – PPU Course affiliate link - https://bcourtice--stefaniegass.thrivecart.com/podcastprouniversity/
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Hello hello friends!
I’m back! This week I’ll give you a brief real life recap on the big lessons learned in the last ten or so months since having my newest baby boy. This new season has certainly shone a big spotlight on one of my biggest insecurities. Tune in to find out what it was!
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
The Stefanie Gass Show – PPU Course affiliate link - https://bcourtice--stefaniegass.thrivecart.com/podcastprouniversity/
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Hey friends,
This week I am going to be doing a real life recap – we will dive into what’s happening in my life, lessons learned in this season, what I’ll be doing with the podcast when baby arrives and the reasons why we are going to be home schooling. Make sure to grab your cuppa and tune in!
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Listen to my interview with Deb from Mama’s mission here
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Friday May 06, 2022
28. Breaking free from legalism and the performance trap as a Christian mum
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Hey friends,
Do you find yourself evaluating your performance as a mum or as a Christian at the end of the day, considering the amount of times you failed to reach the mark? Do you find yourself measuring your actions against some kind of holy stick, to see if you have measured up? Do you find yourself questioning your worth because you frequently lose your temper at your young kids? Well stick around because today we are talking about “Breaking free from legalism and the performance trap as a Christian mum”.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
I hope this blesses and encourages you.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com

Monday Apr 25, 2022
27. Breaking free and overcoming Mum guilt; my top four tips
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Hey friends,
Do you frequently feeling like you are getting it more wrong than right? Do you worry you’re not doing it as well as your friend who is posting picture perfect photos of her and her kids or her family? Do you honestly feel like a failure because you feel like you’re not doing a good enough job as a Christian and as a mother? Well tune in mama because this episode is for you!
Today I will be chatting about “Breaking free and overcoming Mum guilt: my top four tips” with some true life anecdotes and encouraging verses for you.
Have you joined my Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community? Hop on over and continue the conversation there about Christian parenting and discipleship.
I hope this blesses and encourages you.
Thanks for listening and talk to you next week!
God bless,
Download my free Bible play checklist and join my email list at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com
Join my free Facebook community
Check out my Facebook page
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors
Connect with me – brenda@littlekingdomwarriors.com